Here's what's happening this week at The Way Bible Church


Take a look below and reach out with any questions!


We believe church membership is an important step in our Christian faith. In fact, it’s a biblical covenant relationship designed by God himself that is so often overlooked – Family! We can come up with a multitude of reasons why, but for one, commitment tends to be countercultural. Isn’t much of the Christian walk, though? At The Way, we believe membership is a commitment worth making. 

What does membership look like at The Way Bible Church?

As a follower of Jesus, God places us into the body of Christ. He designed this church body to be an authentic, thriving community. At The Way, we love, serve, encourage, support, grow and challenge each other. We hold one another accountable to established Godly principles and standards, and our relationships seek to strengthen and sustain our faith. 

Our Commitment to You

The Way is committed to serving its members in several different ways. First, members can expect a biblically sound teaching given by one of our trained pastors on a weekly basis. We provide group opportunities, such as community groups and bible studies where we focus on discipleship - meeting together to build relationships through fellowship, the Word and prayer. We desire to actively disciple every member and we offer many avenues for discipleship. We also provide our members with a multitude of service opportunities, within and outside of our church. Our leadership team is called to love and care for each of us, like a Shepherd does his flock and sometimes this means discipline. The Way has a formal process for disciplining it’s members when necessary. (Matthew 18:15-17)

Member Responsibilities

Our heart is that, as a member, you would be deeply poured into, but also that you would freely and joyfully give of your talents, resources and time to further the Kingdom of God.

God has created each of us with a unique gifting, and these God-given abilities are meant to be shared. Serving at our church is a way to explore how God designed each of us and is an opportunity for Him to grow us while He uses us to meet the needs of others. God’s heart for serving is that our attention would be focused on humbly serving and loving one another, instead of focusing on ourselves. Our church is full of joyful, Jesus-loving volunteers who care deeply about meeting each other’s needs and we are always praying to expand our volunteer base. Our faithful volunteers keep us going and are essential to furthering the Gospel in our community. (1 Peter 4:10, Galatians 5:13)


Another tool God uses to help shift our inward focus to the needs of others is by giving financially. We believe giving is an act of obedience to God and encourages a grateful and generous heart. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says “Each of you should give what you have decided in your hearts to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” God has placed so many generous people in our body and we are committed to being good stewards of these offerings. 

Lastly, we understand that life is busy, and sometimes getting out the door on a Sunday morning feels nearly impossible. Life happens sometimes, but we expect members of The Way to attend church on a regular basis. While we offer our sermons for online listening, we know authentic community happens best when you are able to show up. Our faith cannot be sustained in solitude. 

*We understand COVID and other illnesses can prevent us from being together while we recover, so while it says online is not the best, we understand if you need to be online for the time being.

Membership Requirements

We’ve carefully and prayerfully established requirements for those seeking to join our body as members. To be a member of the Way Bible Church an individual must be a professing believer and follower of Jesus Christ, who has died to their old self and beliefs, expressing their new self by baptism - publicly professing their faith by immersion in water.  (Matthew 28:19-20)

If you have any questions concerning our church membership, one of our pastors would love to meet with you and discuss further. Please let us know and we will put you in touch with the right person. We would be so honored to have you as a member of church.