CHURCH CANCELLED DUE TO SNOW - Kettle Run High School is closed. We will have no service on 1/12. See you next week!

Care & Prayer

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Care Ministry

Our Care Ministry at The Way Bible Church provides physical, emotional and spiritual support to our family, as well as our community with biblical encouragement, prayer, meal trains and counseling referrals. Our mission for this ministry is to reflect Christ by caring for one another. Lifestyles, developmental stages, and circumstances alter the health and well-being of individuals. We desire to offer support to meet these needs. Receiving the loving attention of a church family allows God to minister to our human needs for love and meaningful connection.

“We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren”

1 John 3:15

If you are a person in need, our Care Ministry seeks to establish an initial connection. We intend to offer a listening ear and prayer support. Please email

Prayer Ministry

Our Prayer Ministry at The Way Bible Church seeks to lead our church family into a deeper relationship with our Creator through consistent prayer, both individually and corporately. Our devoted prayer team intercedes on a daily basis for prayer requests received each week. They are also committed to humbly seeking the Lord’s heart and direction for our church, leadership, ministries and on-going efforts. Each Sunday before the service, the team hosts a corporate time of prayer open to anyone who seeks to draw into fellowship with God and each other. At the Way, we desire to build a culture of prayer in our church and the prayer team is committed to building these foundations. To submit a prayer request or more information about this ministry, please email

Need Prayer? We would love to pray for you!

If you have questions or are in need of care/prayer, contact Clare.

Rod Hasler Rod Hasler - Spirital Care Pastor