Here's what's happening this week at The Way Bible Church


Your generosity enables us to accomplish all that God has called our church to do

“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7

God has graciously and lovingly given us everything we have and it all belongs to Him. He gave to us first and so we are compelled to give with a joyful heart. The New Testament provides us with three good reasons to give:

“We are told to give when there’s a need.”

2 Corinthians 8:1-5

“We are told to share with others when we have abundance.”

2 Corinthians 8:12-14

“We see the early church giving because they were excited about the gospel message and wanted to see a spiritual harvest from their giving.”

2 Corinthians 9:7-12

You see, God uses giving to help shift our inward focus to the needs of others, while encouraging a grateful and generous spirit. Your generosity allows us to share the good news of Jesus and we are committed to being good stewards of these offerings. 

It is truly humbling to partner with the God of the universe in proclaiming the gospel at the Way, in our community and around the world. If The Way is your home church, we hope you will consider partnering with us in our mission.

Considering giving to The Way?

GivE Online

Watch tutorial on giving online

**Please note in January 2024 we changed our giving platform. If you would like to access the old platform to edit or change recurring giving, click the button below.

Please note The Way pays processing fees for each online transaction. To avoid these fees, please consider setting up automatic bill pay through your bank’s website

GivE by Check

Please make checks payable to:

The Way Bible Church

P.O. Box 1259

Warrenton, VA 20188

Feel free to drop your check in the mail, or the offering box on Sunday. To designate to a special fund other than regular giving, please specify on the check.

Give Through Your Bank

Most financial institutions offer a bill pay system. You can set up a payment on the bank’s website, either a one-time or recurring gift, using this easy bill pay feature. Please note payee as:

The Way Bible Church

P.O. Box 1259

Warrenton, VA 20188